MTB 23 Mountain Bike Coaching and Rider Development
Provides quality mountain bike skills development coaching, in an inclusive, welcoming and inspiring environment to learn, practice and progress MTB skills.

A bit about me:
Enduro Mountain Bike Rider
Level 1 PMBIA Mountain Bike Coach
Crankworx Cairns Downhill 2022 Veterans 40+(male) 5TH
Rocky Trail Entertainment ElectroFlow National Series 2021 Veteran (30+) WINNER
Rocky Trail Entertainment ElectroFlow NSW Series 2021 Veteran (30+) 2ND
Rocky Trail Entertainment SuperFlow Enduro NSW Series 2021 Veteran (30+) 2ND
Rocky Trail Entertainment SuperFlow Enduro NSW Series 2020 Veteran (30+) WINNER
Mountain Bike Australia (MTBA) GravityEnduro National Championships 2016 Masters 1 Men 3RD
BMX State Titles NSW 2009 2ND
Mountain Bike Coach, available for School coaching
Brand Ambassador & Representative Rider for The Edge Cycles
Brand Ambassador for Tailwind Nutrition (Use Code: 'MTB23')
Brand Ambassador for Chief Nutrition (Use Code: 'MTB2310')
President of SNORC MTB Club (Sydney North Off Road Club Inc), previously Vice President in 2019, as well as a Founding Member of SNORC in 2008
Pivot Switchblade 2024 M
An engaging, passionate and influential advocate for the local MTB scene in the Hornsby Shire Region on Sydney’s North Shore
Latest Videos on Youtube

Crankworx Cairns October 2022
"The toughest race run of my life".
This year for the first ever Crankworx Cairns 2022. I decided to race the Downhill event, and it felt like I had bitten of more than I could chew! I crashed every run but this one (the race run) it was a wild ride!

Spicy Trails with a dose of OTB
Join me on a training ride on the new 2024 Pivot Shuttle AM full powered light weight ebike, this platform not only does it all, but it does it all extremely well.
I'm fortunate enought to be a Brand Ambassador for some really cool compnaies doing realy cool things:
1. @theedgecycles - the best bike shop on the Central Coast, this crew have been a huge support network for me both on and off the bike, can't thank these guys enough for keeping me rolling.
2. @chief.nutrition for providing me with high quality nutrition to keeps me operating not only as a rider, but as an MTB Coach.
Use code MTB23 on any purchase and you will score a 10% discount. 10/10
3. Pivot Cycles Australia / Pivot Cycles to be a Brand Ambassador for the sickest bikes in the world is one of my actual dreams come true. If you've ridden a Pivot you already know these bikes are serious performers and my style on this bike really gels with the DW Link platform.
Got a question about any of the bikes in the range let me know and the Crew at TEC will help you out.
Before I sign off, I'm really grateful to you if you are still reading this bio, it would mean the world to be if you could hit that Subscribe button, I'm on a mission to spread the word of Mountain Biking and all that it brings, and a share, comment & like goes along way, i've also just hit 1K Subs and I'm on the road to 5K before the end of the year.
If you've already subbed, you are a true legend.
Remember to have fun out there on the trails, be kind to yourself and one another.....and keep it rubber side down.....unlike me in this vlog....wait till the end!